English is after Japanese^^

Enjoy Life ~毎日楽しく~








ちなみに最初はこれら携帯用でいいかなと思ってたりもしましたが、、、、、、ですが、、、、、、、どうせなら見た目と気分的に車の屋根にソーラーパネルがあったらいいなと思いソーラーパネルDIYすることにしました^^ 尾浦は気分でパフォーマンスがかなり変わります笑笑 毎日朝起きてソーラーパネル見るだけでも一日の満足感がかなり変わると思います。このソーラーパネルDIYはある意味、毎日の気分を上げる面での投資でもあります^^




尾浦にはソーラーパネルで発電する知識も設置する技術もないのですが、今回も周りの人に助けてもらいました。設置場所と道具類を貸して頂きましたM.AutoのM社長、設置をほぼやってくれた会社の後輩のYくん、電気の知識を教えてくれた幼馴染のMさんありがとうございました^^ ぶっちゃけ95%くらいやっていただきました笑笑




Enjoy Life

~Having Fun Everyday~

Hi, Watashi wa Oura desu (I am Oura)^^

Actually, as same as title, I put a solar panel on my car^^

I thought it was comfortable to charge computer, cell, camera and things like that in my car. I thought it might be a reason to build up stress. There are a lot of stuff to use solar panel, like a solar panel charger. Price is almost under 5,000JPY. Like these below, for example↓↓

I usually think I should prepare this kind of stuff for, like a just in case, outdoor activity and things like that. But I did not have that. So, at this time, it is good timing to prepare for a solar panel. I started a fisrt step of one of ecology^^ Actually, I passed a Ecology exam, one of Japanese private-sector qualification.

A few months ago, I thought it was OK to use portable solar charger,,,,,,but,,,,,,I wanted a solar panel and put on my car. I felt this will be moved my motivation everyday. So, I decided to do it myself^^ My performance changes depending on my motivation^^; I think my motivation will be up when I see a solar panel on my car every morning. This solar panel DIY is one of investment for my motivation improving^^

Now, I finished a solar panel putting and on the roof and wiring inside of my car. Remaining process is connecting with battery and check if it works to charge.

I will summarize this solar panel putting processes, what stuff I bought and how much were those on my blog the other time.

Actually, I do not have a knowledge about solar panel charging and putting skills. But some guys supported to me. M san gave me a place and tools, Y san put a solar panel, M san taught me electrical advises. Thank you very much^^ (Almost 95% processes were done by them^^;

These days, I was told “I checked your blog”. I am really glad to hear that. Or, send me a message. Thank you to give me that kind of warm comment. Please continue to check this blog when your spare time^^ If you leave a message, it will be really happy for me^^

Anyways, see you soon^^